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Our ministries provide opportunities to build strong relationships with people who are at a similar life point.
Young Adult Ministry
Meeting on Thursdays at 7:00 Starting January 30 Andes Room (Lower level...
Ecclesia Domestica
Ecclesia Domestica is a program to help build strong Catholic families...
Children’s Program – Roots
Roots is our Sunday morning children’s program.
Middle School Ministry – The Vine
The Vine is our middle school ministry that works to enhance 6th-8th...
Perpetual Adoration
This prayer ministry is committed to “keep watch for one hour” with Jesus...
High School Ministry – 10:10
This program is for any teenager in grades 9-12. 10:10 meets every Sunday...
Confirmation Prep – Ablaze
The Ablaze Confirmation program is preparing young people for missionary...
St. Vincent dePaul Society
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic...
Live-Stream Operators
Videographers film the 10:30am Sanday Mass to be aired on local TV in the...
Patriotic Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet
We gather in the Church on the first Sunday of every month at 6:15pm. A...
Music Ministry
Adult Choir The SHOJ Music Ministry uses the musical gifts of its members...
Jr. Legion of Mary
The Jr. Legion of Mary is an organization for the spiritual development...
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholics, men and...
Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program
The Pilgrim Virgin statue travels throughout the parish, because not...
Natural Family Planning
NFP is a multifaceted ministry helping couples to live out the Church’s...
Saturday Morning Men’s Group
Men from our Parish gather for an hour each Saturday Morning at 7:00am to...
Pro-Life Ministry
The Pro-Life Ministry strives to increase awareness and support of the...
Peace & Justice
This ministry helps to fulfill the Church’s call to social justice to...
Peter Maurin Food Ministry
The Peter Maurin Center (PMC) is an Outreach Ministry serving the Greater...
Women’s Bible Study
Members of the Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship gather with other...
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides comfort and a reminder of God’s love...
Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree
The Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree provide men the opportunity to use...
Girl Scouts
The Girl Scout troop helps girls gain an awareness of themselves, their...
Compassion in Action Medina County Office for Older Adults
Members of this ministry help Medina County seniors who are ill, frail,...
CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) endeavors to help young people be more...
Charismatic Prayer Group
The purpose of this group is to deepen people’s spiritual lives through...
Funeral Meal Ministry
Sacred Heart hosts a meal for family and friends of a deceased...
Altar & Rosary Society
The Altar and Rosary Society financially supports the needs of the parish...
Ushers assist SHOJ Parish during Lord’s Day and special Masses in a...
Lectors & Liturgical Ministers
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures prayerfully at Mass to allow God’s people...
Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick take Holy Communion...
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon by...
Church Cleaning
This ministry of service keeps the house of God clean and respectful of...
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word provides young children (preschool and...
Altar Servers
If you are currently an Altar Server and need to register for a refresher...
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is made up of elected and appointed parishioners who...
Offertory Counters
The Offertory Counters count the offertory collection, make sure the...
Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the Pastor on financial and legal matters of...
Landscaping Crew
Help us keep the Sacred Heart grounds beautiful! Parishioners can...