Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

“I shall sing forever the Lord’s mercy.” (Ps 89 [88]) This Sunday is popularly known as Divine Mercy Sunday. Between 1930 and 1938 Christ appeared to Sister Faustina, a Sister of Mercy in Poland who initiated the Divine Mercy devotion. She was...
Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!  JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD!  St. Paul tells us that if Jesus has not risen from the dead ten our faith is in vain.  The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is what gives us hope for eternal life.  Jesus’ rising from...
Middle School Ministry – The Vine

Middle School Ministry – The Vine

The Vine is our middle school ministry that works to enhance 6th-8th graders love for Jesus. Through games, teachings, small group time and much more, the students will begin to understand the truth behind St. John Paul II’s quote, “Life with Christ is a wonderful...
Perpetual Adoration

Perpetual Adoration

This prayer ministry is committed to “keep watch for one hour” with Jesus in the Chapel of Divine Mercy. Individuals grow spiritually by worship, expressing their love, and giving themselves to God. The commitment is 1 hour each week, which can be served individually...
High School Ministry – 10:10

High School Ministry – 10:10

This program is for any teenager in grades 9-12. 10:10 meets every Sunday and Wednesday from 6:30-8pm in the youth room. During these nights teens are encouraged to enter deeper into their relationship with Jesus and find out what it means to live an abundant life!...