Live a life that changes lives.


Roots is our Sunday morning children’s program.

Roots offers families opportunities to grow in relationship with God and to bring the faith into our homes in a fresh and enriching ways. Roots relies on communal worship, engaging families, and enriching teaching to offer all families of Sacred Heart an encounter with the Living Jesus.

Roots meets weekly on Sunday mornings during the school year. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the form below or email Abigail Cook at

Rosary Icon

Worship with Others


Engaging Families

Sacraments Icon

Enriching Teaching

The Vine

Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure!

The Vine is our middle school ministry that works to enhance 6th-8th graders love for Jesus. Through games, teachings, small group time and much more, the students will begin to understand the truth behind St. John Paul II’s quote, “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure!”

If you are interested, please fill out the form below or call Claire Corridoni at (330) 336-3049 Ext. 2010

There are usually one or two Vine Nights a month that need Core Team Members.

If you’re interested, please fill out the form below or call Claire Corridoni at (330) 336-3049 Ext. 2010


Enter Into a Deeper Relationship With Jesus

This program is for any teenager in grades 9-12.

10:10 meets every Sunday and Wednesday from 6:30-8pm in the youth room. During these nights teens are encouraged to enter deeper into their relationship with Jesus and find out what it means to live an abundant life!

10:10 will be filled with prayer, adoration, Mass, hiking, sports nights, adventure days, board game nights and much more!

10:10 usually meets once or twice a week, you would not be expected to be at them all.

If you’re interested, please fill out the form below or call Claire Corridoni at (330) 336-3049 Ext. 2010

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church

260 Broad Street, Wadsworth OH 44281

Phone: (330) 336-3049

Fax: (330) 319-6340


Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am & 5:00pm

Daily Mass Schedule
Monday through Friday 8:00am

Confession Schedule
Saturday 11:00am - 12:00pm

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