St. Vincent dePaul Society

St. Vincent dePaul Society

Apr 13, 2022

The St. Vincent dePaul Society at Sacred Heart helps the poor and less fortunate of our community, thereby sharing Christ with them and furthering the social justice of the Church, while fostering the spirituality of our lay members in the spirit of Saint Vincent dePaul. St. Vincent de Paul also represents SHOJ in Operation HOMES, the homeless shelter in Medina County.

Meetings for members are held on the first Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM in the Conry Room. To become a member or to volunteer within the ministry of the St. Vincent dePaul Society contact Greg Pero at (330) 620-9207.

Applications for assistance are accepted on Mondays and Thursdays from 6 – 8 PM for food and financial assistance. Applicants are required to come to the parish center and provide a photo identification. Please be informed clients can only receive financial assistance once every six months, food from the food pantry is provided twice monthly. To leave a message for the St. Vincent de Paul Society call (330) 331-9399.

**NOTICE: The SVDP Society thru the help of Father Joe and Sacred Heart Parish has received a grant to help any of our parishioners who need financial assistance due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). To request this financial assistance please email or call Bill Leahy (330) 714-6731 or Greg Pero (330) 620-9207. This financial assistance can be for rent/mortgage, utilities, medical or any viable request. SVDP will only need a copy of the invoice and some basic information to process your request. If you email your request, please specify that you are a parishioner.