Fr. Joe's Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Mar 19, 2025

On this Third Sunday of Lent the Word of God calls us to repent, to turn to God and away from the world.  Jesus calls us not to look at the events of our lives and the world in the way that the world does.  He calls us to remember that God is just and merciful, He is kind and seeks only what is best for us.  Sometimes this means we must endure certain situations and events that are extremely difficult; wars, disease, accidents, storms, earthquakes, and any number of things that bring pain and suffering into the lives of many people.  These events do not mean that God is punishing certain people for doing wrong and that He directly wills that these things should happen.  God allows certain events to happen and even for people to use their free will in a way that is not according to His Will.  He allows these things, but He is there to help us through them and to even bring about good by the way we deal with them because we do turn to Him, because we REPENT. 

Lent is a time to focus on repentance, turning to God seeking forgiveness for our sins and renewing our desire to love Him more and our neighbor as well.  Let us use this holy season to do just that through prayer, fasting, and alms giving.  There are so many things that we can make more a part of our lives during this Lenten Season and not just for the season, but for our future and our relationship with Jesus Christ and our brothers and sisters:  receiving the sacraments more often by going to Mass during the week a few times, praying the Rosary, praying in the Chapel of Divine Mercy, Stations of the Cross, going to confession, giving money, food, or clothing to the poor, and fasting from certain things in our lives that we think we cannot do without.  Please ask God what He would like you to do to grow in your love for Him and others.

Our parish Communal Penance for Lent will be on Monday, March 24, at 7 PM in the church.  Several visiting priests will be helping with confession.  Do not be afraid to approach Jesus in confession.  He is waiting for you, and He is calling you to come to Him with all His love.  Immerse yourself in His ocean of mercy just as He told St. Faustina.

Remember that during the season of Lent we pray the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday afternoons at 2:30 PM with the school children in the church.  We also pray the Stations with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday evening at 7 PM in the church.  The Stations of the Cross are a very sacred tradition in the Church and a very prayerful way to remember the sufferings and death of Jesus, which He endured for love of us.


The Living Stations gives a unique perspective and interpretation of the events portrayed in the Stations of the Cross.  Come witness this powerful evening where the Eighth Graders from Sacred Heart School will reenact the last hours of Christ on earth.  You will see and hear action scenes of what our Lord endured before He gave His life for us on the cross.

Fr. Joe Labak