Fr. Joe's Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Mar 6, 2025

Today is the First Sunday of Lent and we hear of the temptations of Jesus in the Gospel.  Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record how Jesus went out into the desert after His baptism in the Jordan to fast and pray.  Jesus went to the desert to prepare Himself for the ministry He was about to begin.  The devil tempts Him to use His power as God to show everyone who He is, changing stones into bread, throwing Himself off the temple, and gaining the whole world by bowing down to the devil.  Jesus came to reveal to us the glory of God through His love and mercy, but not in a way that we would be overcome by His power.  Jesus came to show us God’s love by acts of love and mercy based on our willingness to open our minds and hearts to God in faith.

Even now, 2000 years later, Jesus comes to us in the same way.  As we listen to the Word of God we are not overcome by the power of His Word, but His Word challenges us to love God and neighbor.  Jesus heals today as He did when He walked the earth as He touches us through the Church and the sacraments.  We see this especially in the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  These are powerful signs of God’s love and power which we can only see through the eyes of faith.  Jesus never wishes to overpower us; He simply wants to invite us to come to Him, believe in Him, and love Him.

Lent is a great opportunity to grow in our relationship with Jesus, a relationship that began at our baptism and can only grow stronger by our turning to Him.  Lent has many opportunities to turn to Jesus by participating in the sacrament more often making sure we go to confession and go to Mass more often than just on Sundays.  There are other opportunities for prayer by attending Stations of the Cross on Tuesday afternoons or Friday evenings, attending or making a visit to the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel of Divine Mercy.  We can also take more time to carry out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in our daily lives, helping our brothers and sisters with both their material and spiritual needs.

Lent can be a powerful time of growth in our lives if we but turn to Jesus and ask Him to help us to carry out His Word in our daily lives.  From the early Church Lent was meant to be a time of repentance, which is, turning to the Lord.  To repent is more than seeking forgiveness for our sins it is turning to Jesus so that we can become more like Him in all that we do.

We all know that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a very important part of our spiritual lives and also helps us in our relationship with God and others, but we do not use this sacrament as often as we should. Sometimes it is just a good confession after many years of being away. In an attempt to make the sacrament more convenient, on the evening of Wednesday, March 19, from 5:00-8:00 PM, most of the churches in the eight counties of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland will open their doors and offer the Sacrament of Penance…confession. Catholics across the Diocese are asked to invite someone who may have been away from the faith for whatever reasons to participate at this special time as an occasion to return. Our parish Communal Penance for Lent will be on Monday, March 24, at 7 PM in the church.  Do not be afraid to approach Jesus in confession.  He is waiting for you, and He is calling you to come to Him with all His love.  Immerse yourself in His ocean of mercy just as He told St. Faustina.

There are many opportunities to enrich our lives and our Faith during this Holy Season of Lent. Join Dynamic Catholic for Best Lent Ever, a free email program designed to help you have a life-changing Lent.  You will receive short inspirational videos, practical tips, and study guides for individuals or groups.   This year’s program will get you ready for an encounter with God’s mercy that will renew your faith, transform your relationships, and show you how to be an instrument of love in the world.  To have the best Lent ever go to and sign up.

I suggest you check out FORMED which is a Catholic app that the parish provides with no cost.  You can access any number of movies, programs, or books that help you and your family grow in your faith during Lent.  It is like a Catholic Netflix.  Just go to  Our parish code is 2QC77G.  Check it out for you and your family.  There is also the Hallow app which is a great source to help Catholics get more out of Lent as well as the rest of the year.  Just go to

Remember that during the season of Lent we pray the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday afternoon with the school children starting next Tuesday, March 11 at 9:15 AM in the church.  We also pray the Stations with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday evening at 7 PM in the church.  The Stations of the Cross are a very sacred tradition in the Church and a very prayerful way to remember the sufferings and death of Jesus, which He endured for love of us.

Fr. Joe Labak