Fr. Joe's Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Feb 15, 2023

Some of you may have heard of an organization called Legatus.  The name is derived from the Latin word for ambassador.  Legatus is an organization for businesspeople who want to be more involved in not just practicing their Catholic Faith, but also living out their faith in the context of the businesses they own and operate.  They seek to blend the articles of their faith with their business practices making the Gospel the core of who they are and how they operate.

The Cleveland Chapter of Legatus was founded in 1999 and has been very successful in helping Catholic business owners renew their faith as Catholics through their monthly gatherings.  At the monthly gathering they celebrate the Holy Mass, enjoy a dinner together, and listen to a guest speaker concerning some aspect of the Catholic Faith.  For many years Bishop Roger Greis was the chaplain of the Cleveland Chapter.  A few years ago, Bishop Greis retired, and Fr. Patrick Schultz was appointed to succeed him.  Fr. Pat has been doing a great job in these additional responsibilities as Legatus Chaplain.  At the recent national gathering of Legatus Chapters from across the country held in Orlando, Florida, Fr. Pat received the Chaplain of the Year Award.  We congratulate Fr. Pat for this achievement and pledge our continued prayerful support for this very important work.  May God bless Fr. Pat and all the members of Legatus for their desire to operate their businesses according to the teachings of our Catholic Faith.  May they grow in faith and may their businesses prosper by the grace of God.

A TIME TO HEAL, A TIME TO HELP.  Many parishioners received letters in January inviting your support of the 2023 Catholic Charities Appeal. Your donation makes a difference which will help us serve those individuals who are most in need and most vulnerable. From Matthew’s Gospel: “Whatever you did for the least of these, you did it for me.” When we feed the hungry, take care of the sick, and welcome the stranger, we are also serving Jesus himself. We appreciate your donation and will take special care to use it wisely in providing essential programs and services to people in need throughout all eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland. We invite you to view stories of inspiration and more information at  Our in pew solicitation will be conducted this weekend.  Our parish family has always been so very generous to our Catholic Charities Appeal.   It is a wonderful feeling to help those who are in need in our local Church.  I pray your generosity will continue and grow stronger with this year’s appeal.  May God bless you for your great generosity to our brothers and sisters in need.

There has been quite a stir in our Wadsworth community regarding a public reading of a children’s book by the name of Elle, the Humanist by Elle and David Harris.  The illustrated “children’s” book puts forth an explanation of humanism.  Humanism is a belief or philosophy that pretty  much removes God from our society and the way many people in our community think and believe.  Humanism attempts to put forth a philosophy of life devoid of God and any evidence of God.  This seems to be a very poor philosophy because it is not based on truth.  I don’t think this would be a good thing for children to hear or read.  The book is geared to children ages 5 and up.  In addition, it is slated to be read by a person dressed as a so called “drag queen” and what that has to do with anything, except to further mislead and confuse children even more.  I say these things to make you aware of the dangers that are out there even in our Wadsworth community.  Parents please be aware and careful what your children are exposed to today.

The dinner last Saturday in celebration of World Marriage Day was a great event attended by about 30 married couples.  There was a delicious dinner catered by Eclectic Edibles.  We were entertained by a game of ‘Not So Newlyweds’ hosted by Chris Serger.  All in all it was a wonderful gathering to celebrate World Marriage Day and the gift of marriage that God has given us.  Special thanks to all who made the evening possible: Annette & Mike Bernard, Kara & Chris Serger, Jennie & Jeremy Pettry, Tricia & Chris Easton, Tricia & Tim Husser, and Kathy & Bob Calhoun.  God bless you for all your help.

Thank you church cleaners!  In case you are not aware, our church is cleaned every week by volunteers.  The cleaners are made up of 4 groups that clean every Friday, usually after the 8 AM Mass.  The cleaners are organized and directed by Helen Klaas.  I am deeply grateful for the great work our cleaners do in keeping God’s House looking so beautiful.  If anyone is interested in joining a group to clean, please contact the parish office.  Also, I am very grateful for the wonderful work our sacristan, Margaret Connor, is doing in keeping up the cleaning and care of the sanctuary and sacristy.  Please keep up the good work and God bless all of you for your work and devotion for our parish community.

Fr. Joe Labak