Fr. Joe's Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Aug 21, 2024

We are about to start another school year here at Sacred Heart School.  The school has been and still is a very important part of our parish family.  The Catholic education of our children in the ways of faith is vital to our Church, our parish family, as well as our local community here in Wadsworth.  Our parish community has made many important contributions for the good of the wider community.

Sacred Heart School opened in the Fall of 1949, making this the 75th year of its existence.  We started with just four classrooms with a double grade in each one.  Four Vincentian Sisters of Charity came from Bedford, Ohio, to teach and minister in the school.  The first principal was Sr. Mary Anthony.  It was a humble beginning but has grown so much and such wonderful things have been accomplished in the lives of hundreds and hundreds of children, their families, and our community.  I am sure that education in the faith that many received at Sacred Heart School has helped them to grow in their Catholic Faith and their relationship with Jesus Christ.  The good that has been accomplished in Sacred Heart School is the result of much hard work and sacrifice of the parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish from our principals, the Sisters and so many teachers, as well as the members of our parish family who worked so hard to make Sacred Heart School the fine Catholic school that it has become.  Many people are committed to continuing the achievements and enhancing the spiritual and academic growth of all our students, teachers, and families in our parish family.

As we begin this new school year there are some big changes that will aid in the growth of our parish school.  The biggest, came last July when the state legislature passed the Ed Choice for All Bill and  was signed by Governor DeWine on July 3, 2023.  This means more of our families will qualify for Ed Choice Scholarships.  For example, a family of four with adjusted annual income of 450% above the poverty level will qualify for $6,166 in tuition for each child.  This means that many of our children will be able to attend Catholic schools for a minimal tuition cost.  Parents do need to apply for the Ed Choice Scholarship.  Many have already done so, but there are still some who have not.  For more information on this scholarship, call Mrs. Kellish at Sacred Heart School, 330-334-6272.  Everyone who applies will receive at least $615 per child for tuition.  For additional tuition assistance, parents may also apply for an Angel Scholarship.  This scholarship is funded by tax payers participation through their Ohio State Income Tax.   This will help our school and the parish profoundly, enabling us to keep enrollment up, increase teacher salaries, and  provide aid to families.  Overall, it is a great help to Sacred Heart School and Parish on many levels. You can learn more about this at the Diocesan website at  Let us thank the Lord for His grace and help in the area of Catholic Education.

As we look forward to the 2024/2025 school year I must commend all of our teachers and staff members who work so hard and are very committed to our children in providing a very fine Catholic education in an obvious Catholic environment where there is an awareness of Jesus’ presence in our midst.  I hope and pray all their efforts will continue and bear much fruit.

John Czaplicki, also known as Mr. C, will be starting his 5th year at Sacred Heart School.  Mr. C came at a very trying and challenging time for our school, and all schools, with the pandemic in full force.  Things were rough for everyone, but we made it through with the grace of God and many prayers.  With all that behind us we can continue to move forward.  Mr. C has been doing an exceptional job leading the school and I am confident that he will continue to do good work, growing in grace and service along the way.  There are always many challenges with any school.  I am confident that our faculty and staff will continue to do a very fine job for our children.  We must all work together and strive to grow in grace through prayer and charity toward all even when it is not easy.  Let us pray for all the school staff, students, and parents.  God bless everyone for all the good work now and in the days to come.

Fr. Joe Labak