by Dan Fuerst | Apr 11, 2022 | Ministry
The Pastoral Council is made up of elected and appointed parishioners who advise the Pastor on pastoral and organizational matters of the parish. Meetings are normally every other month. For more information on the Pastoral Council contact contact Fr. Joe Labak...
by Dan Fuerst | Apr 11, 2022 | Ministry
The Offertory Counters count the offertory collection, make sure the collection envelopes are marked accurately and prepare the deposit for the bank after the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday. Four teams serve each month with any fifth Sunday covered on a rotating basis. If...
by Dan Fuerst | Apr 11, 2022 | Ministry
The Finance Council advises the Pastor on financial and legal matters of the parish. Meetings are normally held every other month. To offer to serve on the Finance Council contact Fr. Joe Labak at (330) 336-3049
by Dan Fuerst | Apr 11, 2022 | Ministry
Help us keep the Sacred Heart grounds beautiful! Parishioners can volunteer to “adopt a plot”. Our grounds will be divvied up into various plots – for example, the flower bed by the chapel could be “plot A”. A family, couple, or a few individuals who adopt that...