Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We celebrate this day by remembering our baptismal call – to bring the Gospel to all! The collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the work and witness of the Mission Church, as it provides for priests,...
Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

NEXT WEEKEND!  On October 18, 19, and 20, we will hold our annual Solemn Eucharistic Devotions which will begin on Friday, October 18, with a special school Mass at 9:30 AM. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue on the main altar throughout the...
Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr, Joe’s Letter

Respect LIFE Sunday “Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist, gives us the fullness of life,” said Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington in his statement inviting Catholics to commemorate Respect Life Month with “a revival of prayer and action.” “{Jesus} calls each of...
Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

37th Annual Life Chain: will be held on Sunday, October 6, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM.  Meet at the corner of High Street and Great Oaks Trail.  Be a strong, peaceful witness to the sanctity of human life in Prayer, Song, and Silence.  Bring your family and friends.  Signs...
Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Our Parish Golf Outing on September 9 was a great success in everyway.  It was a perfect day for golfing with plenty of sunshine, warm temperature, and lots of people to play golf.  We had around 100 golfers and they all had a very good time enjoying the day...
Fr. Joe’s Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Today is Catechetical Sunday.  The theme this year is: Feeding the Hungry by Putting Our Two Feet of Love in Action.  The Eucharist propels us forth to build “a more human world, a world fully in harmony with God’s plan” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, no. 20)....