Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. This feast commemorates Mary and Joseph fulfilling the precept of the Law of Moses, which said that each first-born male child must be offered back to God by sacrificing a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons on behalf of the child. This is exactly what Mary and Joseph did by going up to the temple in Jerusalem. While they were there, the Gospel tells us, Simeon came to the temple and taking Jesus in his arms, proclaimed Him to be the light of the nations revealed to us by God. Because of this, today is also known as Candlemas Day. It is a day that the Church blesses the candles that are used in the Church for Mass and other liturgical services, as well as the candles that we use in our homes.
The candle is a very important symbol of Christ because it reminds us that Jesus is the Light of the World. We use candles when we pray to remind us that Jesus is always with us to guide us and to show us the way that leads to Him and eternal life. Through our baptism, we share the light of Christ and, so, are called to take that light into the world by showing others the love of Jesus by the way we live our lives.
We all know how important light is to our lives. Without light we would be lost in the darkness. So, it would be without Jesus in our lives; we would be lost in the darkness of sin without a clue as to what we should and could do. Jesus shows us THE WAY and we in turn show HIS way to one another by witnessing to the TRUTH that is Jesus Christ.
FLIX PICK: GREATER: Brandon Burlsworth is perhaps the greatest walk-on in the history of college football. Brandon dreamed of playing for the Arkansas Razorbacks but was told he wasn’t good enough to play Division I ball. Undeterred, Brandon took a risk and walked on in 1994. Written off by fellow teammates and coaches, Brandon displayed dogged determination in the face of staggering odds. The awkward kid who once was an embarrassment to his teammates and an annoyance to his coaches, ended up becoming the most respected player in the history of the program, changing the lives of all he touched. It is a story of great courage and faith. It is a story that will inspire everyone no matter where we are in life. It is a good family movie. The movie is available on Netflix. Take some time to watch it with family and friends.
Spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through a Sacred Heart Holy Hour. The Knights of Columbus, through the Pilgrim Icon Program, are trying to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Knights are sponsoring a Sacred Heart Holy Hour featuring an icon depicting the most famous image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, painted in 1767 by Pompeo Batoni and now venerated in the Church of the Gesù in Rome. The reproduction bears the blessing of Pope Francis, through the Papal Almoner, and is one of more than 300 icons traveling across the world, from council to council, for veneration and use in prayer services.
The Sacred Heart Holy Hour will be held at Sacred Heart Church on Saturday, March 8, following the 5pm Mass. It will include readings from Sacred Scripture and reflections from Pope Francis on the Sacred Heart, as well as the Divine Mercy Chaplet, prayers to the Sacred Heart and time for silent prayer. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament may also be included. Following the holy hour, families are encouraged to enthrone the Sacred Heart in their homes by placing an image of the Sacred Heart in a place of honor and conducting an enthronement ceremony.
Many of you may have already enthroned the Sacred Heart in your homes. Over the past few years, we have made available an image of the Sacred Heart and the prayers of enthronement through our parish bulletin as we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Our Legion of Mary will be working with the Knights to provide the materials for the home enthronement of the Sacred Heart.
Since the first traveling pilgrim icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1979, more than 191,000 council and parish prayer services with some 23 million participants have been held.