Fr. Joe's Letter

Fr. Joe’s Letter

Sep 11, 2024

Today is Catechetical Sunday.  The theme this year is: Feeding the Hungry by Putting Our Two Feet of Love in Action.  The Eucharist propels us forth to build “a more human world, a world fully in harmony with God’s plan” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, no. 20). How can we put faith in action to address poverty and inequality in our communities? As missionary disciples, we walk with the complementary “feet” of charitable works and social justice. These two feet of love in action provide tangible ways to respond to the face of Christ in the least of our brothers and sisters in need (“Lord, when did we see you hungry” – Mt 25:37).

Here at Sacred Heart of Jesus we have many catechists teaching and sharing the Catholic Faith with our children and young people from Pre-K through 12th Grade.  We also have many people participating in the Becoming Catholic program for those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith with the idea that they may then join the Church and receive the Sacraments.  We can also take into consideration the people who visit shut-ins and give them Holy Communion.  This is definitely a way of teaching others about our Catholic Faith through the example of their life.  There are also the many members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society as well as the Legion of Mary who share the Catholic Faith with so many people.  We can all teach others the Catholic Faith by what we say and by what we do.  We really do not have to belong to a specific organization or be in a classroom setting with others.  All we need to do is share the love of Jesus with anyone we meet in the course of any day.

If anyone is interested in volunteering to help in any of our catechetical programs, please call the parish office.  We are in particular need of someone to teach the Second Grade on Sunday mornings after the 8 AM Mass.  This, of course, includes preparing the children for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.

Today, September 15, is also the Feast of Our Mother of Sorrows, the patroness of Slovakia where all of my grandparents were born.  Our Lady endured many sorrows in her life out of love and obedience to God’s plan for our salvation.  Let us pray that we may accept the sorrows of our lives and unite them to the sufferings of Jesus on the cross.  Mother of Sorrows…pray for us.

We have hired a new Director of Youth Minister to replace Claire who has taken a job at Walsh University as a campus minister.  Our new Youth Minister is Maggie McCarron.  Maggie grew up in Fairlawn and attended St. Hilary Grade School, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, and recently graduated from Franciscan University and was involved in their Humanities and Catholic Culture Program.  She was very much involved in campus ministry at Franciscan and has a great love for theology, which she is very desirous of sharing with others.  We welcome Maggie to our parish family.  Please pray for her as she begins this ministry here at Sacred Heart.  Pray also for our young people that God will bless them with a deep faith in Him and strengthen our own resolve to live our Catholic Faith and be a good example to our young people.

A note from Unbound:  Dear Parishioners,  On behalf of Unbound, thank you very much for welcoming us to your Parish.  Our hearts are full of gratitude for the generosity you have shown to the children, youth, and the elders in our sponsorship program.  Through your willingness to partner with Unbound, your Parish community has taken steps toward a closer walk with Jesus in the name of the poor.  We pray that members of your Parish community who answered the call to sponsorship will be richly blessed by their experience.

The renovation of McMahon Hall is coming along well despite the delays and extra problems we had to address.  Pat Boyert, the general contractor and a member of our parish, is doing a very fine job and really trying to keep the cost down while still trying to provide high quality workmanship.  We hope to be finished around the end of October, God willing.

Fr. Joe Labak