Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick take Holy Communion to those who cannot be with us for the Lord’s Day liturgies, including the ill, the hospitalized, the home-bound, and those residing in nursing and assisted-living homes.
This ministry requires a commitment to serve at an area nursing and assisted living home residents once every 4-6 weeks; to shut-ins, every week or two; and to those in the Wadsworth hospital, on a scheduled basis. Ministers must be a confirmed Catholic in good standing and attend a half-day diocesan training session once every 5 years. Ministers should also attend a special parish evening of reflection once or twice a year, at which time they may receive updates from the priests.
To participate in this ministry or to have a minister bring Holy Communion to a loved one or friend who is unable to come to Church for Mass due to illness, contact Jean Hricko at (330) 571-1480 or Candi Weber at (330) 607-1992.