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You found a church that is alive with the fire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!


We are a Catholic Church in Wadsworth, Ohio.

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The Rescue Project will be starting after Easter. Married and single people welcome.
Contact Deacon Rich at (330) 336-3049 Ext. 2005 to get started.
Experience the truth, beauty and goodness of Catholicism.
Non-Catholics and Catholics alike are invited to encounter Christ in this program!
Join us every Wednesday night 7:00 – 8:30 pm in McMahon Hall (Church basement) beginning September 25th and continuing through Easter.

Ignite Your Heart With Love Of Jesus

It’s not easy living in a broken world. You are bombarded with messages and ads, stressed out with relationships and jobs.
Jesus is the answer.
Jesus will bring peace and joy into your life.
Encounter our living God at Sacred Heart.

Your Catholic faith shouldn’t be lifeless.


Are you experiencing these frustrations?

You zone out during Mass, the shorter it is the better.

You would like to be more involved but don’t know where to start.

Your kids don’t seem to be embracing the faith.

You feel like there is no one at a similar point in life as you.

Let’s Do This Together


Come To Mass

Attend any of our Sunday Mass times and discover the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the Catholic Faith.


Meet the Priests

Meet Fr. Joe after Mass or stop by the parish office and get to know the shepherds of our church.


Join & Make A Difference

Become a member and we’ll help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.

Sacred Heart of Jesus exists to offer everyone a life-changing encounter with the Lord, and the community within which to grow and to be formed as disciples, empowered and equipped to bring the gospel into the world.


This is a very inviting place to worship and pray. Deacon Rich is amazing and we love to hear his messages. It’s a beautiful, spacious church.


If you are looking for a church where the Holy Spirit is truly active, look no further than Sacred Heart.


Love this parish, the Pastor, Deacons, Parishioners all make you feel so welcome. Our Boys went to school here & church. We feel blessed.


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Join Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church for our daily livestreams of Mass.

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Change the World

Invest in Sacred Heart, where people meet Jesus and lives are changed.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church

260 Broad Street, Wadsworth OH 44281

Phone: (330) 336-3049

Fax: (330) 319-6340


First Saturday Mass 8:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am & 5:00pm

Daily Mass Schedule
Monday through Friday 8:00am

Confession Schedule
Saturday 11:00am - 12:00pm

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